Bruce was brought to our attention by one of our partners in LA, Naia from REAL GOOD DOG. Bruce was at the shelter, extremely sweet boy but was having some digestive issues due to stress. There are many German Shepherds in the shelters and his chances of not being euthanized were not great. We decided to pull him, get him proper vetting and then he was off to be boarded at our partners ranch for a week prior to flight. This rescue took a village and couldn’t have been done without our partners Naia from REAL GOLD DOG, Tom at the shelter and Tye from REVERSED RESCUE. Bruce is now safe forever and living it up with his new mom and dad!

WORDS FROM BRUCE’S NEW ADOPTERS: We decided to foster Bruce rather unexpectedly. There was a vicious snowstorm the evening he arrived all the way from sunny LA. He was skinny and scared and came out of his crate at the airport immediately retreating into our arms— a true cuddle bug. Rescuing a dog who already has their quirks, funny habits or bad behaviours can be difficult, but Kim & RAD were unwaveringly supportive. We texted daily and she gave us guidance and advice, answering every question or concern at every hour— no matter how ridiculous. To this day, I don’t think a week goes by without us chatting— the work they do is truly unbelievable. They are an absolutely relentless team. Bruce cuddled his way into our hearts and we don’t know how it would be possible to love him (or anyone) more than this. He’s changed our lives in ways we didn’t expect by making us more active, allowing us to meet new friends and forcing us into a better and healthier routine. We now have a bad-ass wolf to cuddle at night and go on adventures with.. We can’t even remember (nor do we want to) what life was like without him and can’t thank RAD enough for rescuing our best friend. We were an epic foster fail!