WORDS FROM GINGER’S NEW ADOPTERS: Aurélie and I have been looking foRward to get Mélia a little Sister/brother for almost 2 years. On August 1st, 2020, we were at a friend’s birthday and Kim’s cousin showed us a RAD story of Ginger on Instagram. We fell in love right away. Sarah told us Ginger was actually staying in Saint-Hyacinthe for the week end, close to us. We went to see her the next morning and it was love at first sight literally on both sides. We brought her home the same day for a trial with Mélia. Everything went perfectly well, as if she always stayed with us.
Since the arrival of Ginger in our Family, we have new energy in the house! Mélia is way more vigorous, they play together and they love each other a lot. Ginger is also a fast learner, she walks very well and she listens very well to basic commands. She is great and gentle with children. Her only flaw would be that she snores a lot, especially when she is awake, which makes it actually kinda adorable. Ginger is for sure the biggest and best surprise for us in 2020.